Who is to blame for Macbeth's downfall?

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Lady Macbeth is the one who influenced Macbeth into killing King Duncan. Lady Macbeth asked the evil spirits to assist her in influencing Macbeth. My opinion is that the actual evil spirits were the three witches. My guess is that William Shakespeare originally thought of this idea when writing the play.

Lady Macbeth was power hungry and all she wanted was the power that Macbeth was due (according to the three witches).  Lady Macbeth did not want to kill the king herself because she said that he reminded her of her father. Macbeth did not want to kill the king, not out of loyalty but because he was a good king. Lady Macbeth persuaded him to do it, for her own causes.

The witches are also responsible because they raised the hopes of Macbeth. I know this because Macbeth wrote a letter to Lady Macbeth saying what had happened regarding the encounter with the witches. The witches were twisting Macbeth about and watching him suffer and drown in his own guilt. After all, that’s what witches do!

The witches had got Banquo killed. Banquo was a very close friend of Macbeth and they had been in battle together but the witches had made Macbeth kill Banquo and Fleance. Fleance escaped. Macbeth was now even more worried. Macbeth then said to himself that the worry of Fleance was not now but when Fleance would grow up.

Brave Macbeth had turned into a horrible monster on a killing spree. This monster was made by the three witches and Lady Macbeth. Later on Lady Macbeth is overwhelmed also by her guilt but not as much as Macbeth who’s life had gone completely wrong.    

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At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is seen as a courageous soldier who is loyal to the king but is corrupted from the witches’ prophecies and by his and Lady Macbeth’s ambition. This is because of the weakness of Macbeth’s character and the strong power of Lady Macbeth and how she is easily able to influence him. Her strength motivates him at the start but afterwards he realises what he has done. It is himself that continues in his murderous, bloody path.

In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a brave knight who fights ...

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