Who or what do you think has the Most influence on Pip's development and for what reasons.

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“Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens

Who or what do you think has the most influence on Pip’s development and for what reasons?

Who or what do you think has the

Most influence on Pip’s development and for what


“Great Expectations” is the story of Phillip Pirrip, known as Pip. He is an orphan living with his authoritarian sister Mrs Joe Gargery and her illiterate husband Joe Gargery. They are a working class family in the Victorian era. Joe Gargery is the village blacksmith in their village on the marshes. Pip encounters an escaped convict on the marshes and brings him wittles and a file stolen from his own house. This convict is Abel Magwitch.

One day Pip receives a peculiar request from Miss Havisham, an elderly upper class woman to come and “play” at her house. Her house is old and large compared to Pip’s house at the forge. At Miss Havisham’s house, he meets an attractive young lady called Estella. He is infatuated with her throughout the novel. He is suddenly informed that he has “Great expectations” and will be sent to London to be educated and turned into gentleman. Here he meets Jaggers a lawyer who takes care of all Pip’s financial needs and he is sent to live with Herbert Pocket the son of Mathew Pocket who teaches him table manners and other ways to behave if you are to be an upper class gentleman. This is all to be paid for by a mystery benefactor whom he deems to be Miss Havisham. He finds out that it is Abel Magwitch. He later finds out that Estella is Magwitch’s daughter.

Estella is a beautiful young woman living with Miss Havisham in Satis House. Miss Havisham brought her up from the age of three and turned her into an upper class woman to live her life like an aristocrat. She was raised by Miss Havisham to torment men and “ break their hearts.” Although Miss Havisham has done this Pip still loves her as “human perfection.”

On Pips first visit to Satis House Pip first meets Estella she makes him feel lower class. She refers to his “coarse hands” and “thick boots.” She is a cruel young woman and makes Pip cry. She is pleased she has reduced him to tears. He becomes ashamed of his background. In love with Estella, he longs to become a member of her social class, and, encouraged by Mrs. Joe and Pumblechook, he has the desire to learn new skills and become an upper class gentleman. As he becomes more gentlemanly, Estella begins to appreciate him more but still wont love him. Dickens gives us a glimpse of Estella's inner life, which helps to explain what Pip might love about her. Estella does not seem able to stop herself from hurting Pip, but she also seems not to want to hurt him; she repeatedly warns him that she has "no heart" and seems to urge him as strongly as she can to find happiness by leaving her behind.

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When Estella informs Pip that she will be coming to Richmond and that he should meet her at the coach office Pip gets so excited that he arrives at the coach office five hours early. When he is with Estella, she warns Pip not to become too emotionally attached to her because she “was set to wreak Miss Havisham’s revenge on the male sex.” Even though she has warned him of this, he still loves her. Estella has some feelings for Pip because she deceives and entraps all men with the exception of Pip.

Later in the novel, we learn ...

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