Who was mainly to blame for the murder of Duncan?

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Who was mainly to blame for the murder of Duncan?

     The story of Macbeth looks deeply into the springs of action in the human soul. In Shakespeare’s tragedies the plot relies on the conflict between the main character and another character engaged in an intrigue against him. In Macbeth there is a conflict between the hero and his conscience as he struggles with his ambition, that is, partly to due to Lady Macbeth. The tragedy is a penetrating, concentrated, and harrowing study of ambition. In Macbeth, Shakespeare depicts the tragedy of a great and basically good man who, led on by others and because of defeat in his own nature, succumbs to murderous ambition. In getting and retaining the Scottish Throne, Macbeth dulls his humanity to the point where he becomes capable of any amoral act.

      Macbeth and Banquo are co-leaders of the Scottish army, and are returning from battle when they meet three witches. The witches’ prophesy that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and later King. They tell Banquo that he will not be King himself, but he will be an ancestor of Kings. Messengers arrive with the news that Macbeth has been made Thane of Cawdor. This is an important part of the play as this is where Macbeth first realises what his future could hold for him once King.

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      Lady Macbeth later receives a letter from her husband, telling her of the prophecies and his new title. She is determined to help Macbeth become King, and when he returns with King Duncan, who is staying with them overnight, she persuades Macbeth to kill the King. Shakspeare potrays Macbeth’s castle as a place of safety to Duncan and Banquo, by telling the reader that it is a place where Martlets build their nests. This type of bird is normally associated with Churches and places of safety, but this is far from a safe place for Duncan and ...

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