Who Was Responsible For The Tragedy In Romeo And Juliet

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Who Was Responsible For The Tragedy In Romeo And Juliet? 

"Romeo" and "Juliet" are a symbol for love. For centuries, no story of love has been more powerful, famous and moving than The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The invincible love, gallant actions, and devoted promises of the two lovers touch our hearts. However, who is to blame for the deaths in the play? I believe Friar Laurence certainly holds some responsibility. He marries the Romeo and Juliet, offers Juliet to drink the potion, and fails to send the letter to Romeo which was his responsibility to make sure it did reach him, and runs away from the vault after all has ended in calamity.

Romeo and Juliet are married by the Friar even though he believes that this marriage shall lead to disaster – the feuding families will literally kill one another because of it. When Romeo tells Friar Laurence about his marriage to Juliet, the Friar is worried as he knows the outcome:

These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which, as they kiss, consume (II, VI, l. 9-11).

Because of this, the Friar questions Romeo’s love. Here he is trying to pass the guilt down to someone else – in an ‘I told you so’ way. He does this by stating that Romeo once loved Rosaline – which was more of a sexual attraction then actual love:

Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear,
So soon forsaken? Young men’s love then lies
Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes (II, III, l. 70-72).

Putting his thoughts aside, Friar Laurence chooses to marry Romeo and Juliet with the pathetic reason of it ending the feud – although he knows it will just worsen it:

In one respect I’’ll thy assistant be,
For this alliance may so happy prove
To turn your households’’ rancor to pure love (II, III, l. 97-99).

Being a holy man, the Friar always believes the positive side. However, he should have a second thought, for the feud between the two families has been ancient and brutal. Can the alliance of Romeo and Juliet really help to
end the feud? He stated this himself – and then he pulled back on his words. Why?

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Later on, this marriage does result in calamity, and as a result takes the lives of Mercutio, Tybalt, and Lady Montague. Had Friar Laurence not made Romeo and Juliet one, these deaths would not have occurred. In essence, he is not only responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death but also Mercutio, Tybalt, and Lady Montague’s.

Another point, is that the Friar offers Juliet the potion, which for 42 hours puts her to sleep in order to prevent the marriage with Paris. When Paris finds Juliet dead on the day of their marriage, he feels angry towards Juliet:

Beguiled, ...

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