Who was to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet?

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Romeo and Juliet: Who was to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?

In my essay I will be answering the question, “Who was to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet” and I will be using social and historical context to back my text up.

The title question is an extremely logical question as no one person is to blame totally for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. All the characters are to blame in different ways for the deaths of the two young and unwise lovers.  I will be exploring the story to find the person or the people who are most to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo and Juliet fell in love and got married very early in life and this was extremely common in the Elizabethan period. In the reign of Elizabeth the first it was legal for people to marry at a very young age, girls at twelve and boys at fourteen, with parental permission. One fact was that it was far more common for the richer families to marry early and normally they would marry into families that were even richer, to earn more land and money. Once a couple were married the woman belonged to the man like a personal object or a valuable item.

Romeo Montague the fifteen year old young lover was to blame as much as anyone else for his own death. Throughout the story Romeo was too hasty and aggressive which didn’t do much for him in the end. He was far too quick when deciding to marry Juliet and literally begged Friar Lawrence to marry them. “But this is a pray that thou consent to marry us today!” a line said by Romeo as he spoke to Friar Lawrence about the marriage, this line shows how desperate Romeo was about marrying Juliet. But Romeo let his heart and feeling’s rule his mind and fill it up with passion and hate for the people around him.

Violence came into Romeo’s life when Tybalt killed Mercutio (Romeo’s best friend) and Romeo takes revenge on Tybalt by slaying him. If Romeo was not such an angry person he could have avoided violence and told the prince what had happened thus avoiding banishment. But the real depressed anger burst out of him when Paris came to pay his last respects to Juliet (who is believed to be dead at that point). “Wilt thou provoke me? Then have it thee, boy” he killed Paris showing his less mature side of him.

Now the second young love Juliet Capulet, the disobedient, wealthy girl. Juliet was exceedingly disobedient and defiant towards her parents. Juliet’s parents, although very life ruling and bossy were deceived when Juliet married Romeo. In the story Juliet was too trusting with people, especially with her nurse. In the past rich families hired nurses to take care of their children from birth until they grow and get married. The nurse was more of a mother figure to Juliet then her mother ever was but Juliet was not to know that the mother figure in her life was to defy her.

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During this romantic tragedy shortly after Romeo’s banishment Lord and Lady Capulet spring the news on Juliet that she is to marry Paris, a handsome, rich man. Juliet was not pleased with this news because she was already married to Romeo and reacted badly. Her parents were not happy. She argued with her father about his decision and shed her feelings “He will not make me there a joyful bride” as she told her father her dislike of marriage to Paris. But it was her disobedience and lies that led to her death and the famous line “O happy ...

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