Whose reality

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Throughout our lives we are faced with events, people and places which together form the fundamentals of what our reality is based upon. The way in which we recount a story can become clouded by what we have experienced in the past and also the environment in which we grew up in. Hence the concept of retelling a completely truthful story is an illusion. A truthful story does not exist, as our entire life is built upon the subjectivity of our feelings and thoughts, especially when the reality of a situation encountered cannot be objectively verified. In fact, it was written that ‘memory may falter and portraiture is a highly subjective endeavour, but I have tried to tell a truthful story’ by Robert Drewe. Indeed, there are various perceptions of reality which are influenced by our subjective view on life; hence no story can be claimed a ‘truthful’ story.

The many and various realities are perceived differently when considering both the audience and the external world’s reactions to ‘truthful’ story. Unable to reveal the true identity of themselves, an individual may bend the events of a story. Opening up and giving an objective perception of an event often reveals the identity and perceptions of a person and so in order to avoid this, an individual alters their real feelings away from the external world. Robert Drewe presents a situation where Dorothy is recounting an event where her initial reaction is completely the opposite to the one she displays when expressing the story to her husband friends; the outside world. At first she is mortified when encountering a one-legged drunken man abusing a pink dog; however, when she recounts the story, she ‘was swinging an invisible crutch and making it seem an amusing experience’. Evidently, Dorothy’s shift in perception of this situation was fuelled by her nature of concealing her true identity to the outside world. Hence, the truth of the emotions encountered is often disguised and begins to cloud the ‘true’ reality.

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Ability to recount a truthful story is influenced by the dislocation of time and the realities experienced at different stages of an individual’s life. Reality is never constant- it is always changing and this is especially true when comparing childhood realities to those perceived in adulthood often change has the ability to shift one’s perception of reality. After becoming used to this change, the individual’s initial perception s distorted due to the separation in time. The manner in which the dislocation of time can shift the perception of realities is evident when Robert describes Melbourne just as he eaves ...

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