Why did Romeo and Juliet die? Consider the major factors which may have played at in their death and comment on which you think is the most significant.

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Why did Romeo and Juliet die?

Consider the major factors which may have played at in their death and comment on which you think is the most significant.

“From forth the fatal loins of these to foes

A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life;

Whose misadventured piteous overthrows

Doth with their death bury their parent’s strife.”

From the opening scenes of the play it is made clear that these two children of the feuding families were destined to fall in love and eventually die together, but was it the actions of their friends that brought about their deaths or could it be that their deaths were just inevitable?

Most people choose to believe that they have a sense of responsibility and can control their own lives; they suppose that their problems are caused by their own actions or by those influencing them. In my opinion though, Romeo and Juliet had no control what so ever, fate brought them together – their lives were already mapped out for them and there was nothing to impair this.

Romeo and Juliet could not have avoided coming in contact with each other, they were brought together by uncontrollable circumstances (fate).

There were many events that conspired against Romeo and Juliet, for example the family feud. The brawl in Act 1 Scene 1 is ceased by Prince Escales who said

“If you ever disturb our streets again,

Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.”

However the Prince failed to stay loyal to his word, Romeo’s banishment and the fate involved with it is a prime factor in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. In Act1 Scene1 the Prince’s words were quite the contrary. Was it intentional that a man of such high standard would go back on his word? However, if Mercutio had not taunted Tybalt in town whilst out with Romeo and Benvolio, Romeo would never of got into his fight with Tybalt and therefore would not have been banished. Perhaps, however, the fight initiated by Mercutio that hapless day was inevitable: could it be that Romeo was somehow destined to be exiled?

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Romeo’s famous words in Act3 Scene1 signify the point in the play where the tragedy really begins.

“This day’s black fate on moe days doth depend

This but begins the woe others must end”

Romeo’s exile poisons all possibility of happiness for himself and Juliet. His exile causes Juliet great sorrow, greater than if he had been executed. Her parents, Lord and Lady Capulet were oblivious to the fact that Juliet was pining for Romeo and not Tybalt. They did not even consider her feelings when arranging her marriage to Paris, but why were they so determined? Was it because ...

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