Why did the murders attract so much attention in 1888? The notorious Jack the Ripper left many, if not all of east Londoners living in trepidation and fear

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              Why did the murders attract so much attention in 1888?

The notorious Jack the Ripper left many, if not all of east Londoners living in trepidation and fear. Speculations began flying around like a flock of pigeons, and soon all of London was playing Chinese whispers. The printing machines were left hot from the many newspapers being printed, its head lines containing with big, bold writing; Jack the Ripper at it again. Well known for his terrible and gruesome attack on women, his mutilations of the body was certainly jaw dropping and utterly horrific. Yet with such an over crowded city and the population increase in the east end, how can one man grab the attention of thousands? Influenced

In London 1888, it was a city of rags as well as the riches. The population was increasing due to the great business opportunities in London at the time. The poorer became even more poor than usual and women had no choice but to resort themselves to using their assets to their advantage. Prostitution became a well known self employment, as thousands of women deduced or forced out of starvation sunk as low as selling themselves. Here Jack the Ripper comes to the equation. With the ‘network of narrow, dark and crooked lanes’, Jack the Ripper attacked his first victim Marry Ann Nicholls on Friday 31st August. The intensity and ‘effort’ put into the murder shocked the local terribly. The brutal mutilations were like no other that London had seen, with this the whole nation were woken to reality.

After the many inhumane, revolting and horrific murders taking place it became very clear that these women were known locally and were all working as prostitutes, and as a large percentage of women were working as prostitutes, naturally their would be great fear revolving around the city. People were so afraid that this ‘demented’ being was attacking women locally, and how after three or four murders he was still not caught in such a crowded city, left question marks in their minds. How was it that he still is not caught? How can he get away with it in such a packed city? It could be me next…..All of London was in such a frenzy, yet how they were notified of the murders, the horrific mutilations and other information such as where and when it took place, is a question registered in our minds.

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 Industry was slowing picking up and printing had just been invented, in addition more and more people were able to read because of the law which had been brought, that all children were to have schooling; therefore newspapers were ideally the best way of notifying the public of the happening in the city. Also the fact that tax had been abolished from newspapers led to it becoming more affordable for citizens to purchase. So what type of role in society were newspapers playing in attracting so many people to the murders?

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