Why does Arthur Miller use time lapses? What is he trying to say about Willy Loman?

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Why does Arthur Miller use time lapses? What is he trying to say about Willy Loman?

Arthur Miller wrote “Death of a Salesman” in 1949. For this essay I am planning to explore the structural devices used in the play. Particularly time lapses. The play is set in Willy’s house and the various places he visits in New York. “Death of a Salesman” has been described as a modern tragedy and it certainly follows the rules. Willy Loman, the protagonist, is the tragic hero with a fatal flaw; his defect is his supreme pretence and pride.  He lives in two different worlds. In the real world he has fallen from grace, another rule vital to tragedies, but in the imaginary world in Willy’s head. The place that clings onto every happy memory just won’t let him drop.  

During the 1930’s America was suffering from the great depression. There was little food and economy was down the drain. When America finally came out of this recession it had completely changed, large industrialized buildings had sprung up everywhere; it was all about big businesses and commercialism. Arthur Miller being born in 1915 had grown up with poverty and witnessed all of these changes He felt he had to write about it. I think writers feel compelled to write novels and plays to get across an issue experienced by them that changes your perspective on life. Willy had come from a small close-knit business that had changed and had become too powerful for him. I think people write books and plays to get across issues that have touched them, and I imagine that Arthur Miller wanted to write about this, he wanted to write a play about a little man lost in a big world amongst the webs of lies and deceit. New York was enveloping Willy Loman.

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Arthur Miller cleverly uses time lapses to help structure Willy’s descent into madness. To help describe these flash backs, I have chosen Willy’s final escape into death, which surfaces at the end of the play. By this time in the play Willy has clearly become instable. Linda recognises this and tries to be delicate and tactful as if this will stop Willy from falling off the edge. I think that she just wants to protect him. The fantasy in this scene is Ben finally leaving for his new life, as for the whole play Ben has been trying to ...

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