Why is Act 3 scene 5 lines 64- end of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' so important and what is its dramatic impact on an audience? How should this scene be performed to heighten its dramatic impact?

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Ommar Younis                                                  

10th June

Why is Act 3 scene 5 lines 64- end of Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ so important and what is its dramatic impact on an audience? How should this scene be performed to heighten its dramatic impact?

‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written by William Shakespeare between 1596 and 1598. The play is about the story of two lovers; Romeo and Juliet who fell in love and had to marry in secret because their parents and family were at war with each other; Also, Juliet’s father had arranged another marriage with an older man called Paris. The end of the story involves the two lovers killing themselves; Romeo kills himself because he thinks Juliet is dead when she is actually using a potion to make it look that way. And Juliet dies because she kills herself after waking up to see Romeo dead. The death of the two lovers unites the families.

Shakespeare explores many themes in the play such as:

Love and hate/ friendship, loyalty- Love and hate is one of the main themes in Romeo and Juliet because the play is all about two lovers who are forced to marry in secret because of all the hatred between the families around them. Love is very strong throughout the play, “But be sworn my love and I’ll no longer be a Capulet” She would give up her name and identity for her love; this conveys the depth of her love. Hate is also as common as love because the play starts of with a feud which showed a lot of hatred, “Do you bite your thumb at me sir.” which shows anger between the families ad they out against each other.

Death is very important throughout the play and especially at the end where the two lovers kill themselves.

Conflict is apparent from the start when they fight and argue. It is also the reason why Romeo and Juliet find it hard to be with each other and therefore is one of the main themes in the play. The conflict finishes as soon as they both die, it is clear to see this when Capulet says: “O brother Montague, give me thy hand.”

Tragedy is the type of play Romeo and Juliet is, so tragedy has a big part in it. The way how the two die is quite tragic because the audience know how close Romeo and Juliet are in escaping and how they still had their whole life ahead of them if they made it because they were young.

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It is quite clear to see that ‘Romeo and Juliet’ involves a lot of fate and fortune. The whole story is about two star crossed lovers that both die while trying to be with each other. Juliet even says: “Me thinks I see thee, now thou art below as one dead bottom of a tomb.” This is basically prophesising what is going to happen.

The sense of time moving quickly runs through the play and how the love was sudden also supports this. Earlier on in the play when Romeo is with Rosaline he complains that the ...

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