Short Story


 Ted lay on the filthy ground, his money spread all over the cold canteen floor. There was a growl of laughter that lasted forever. Everyone was shouting and screaming; rushing to hunt for his money. The opening he had been in closed up. Ted picked the remaining coins of his lunch allowance and walked back to the very beginning of the queue, something he would have never done…


“Thank you for the money TED!!” said some supporting girls, while shining the coins in their soft hands.  Ted walked on sadly, attempting not to reply.

It had unchanged since Group 2, 2 years ago, when John first entered the Football club. It was only minute annoyance at that time, but it was stuck to him for ever.

Ted was in Group 3 by then. He was a usual looking boy, his eyes were innocent, and his bright black hair was pointing everywhere. His glowing pink lips stood out against his pale glowing face. He wore the same kit since Group 2, the kit that was as old as his grandma.

John had been abusing Ted for over a year now. It was too serious now, it wasn’t just Ted, but no one could help it anymore.

“Ted, you can stand in front of me if you wish,” said Jenny, while pulling a wide smile across here face


Jenny was the only person that had the will to help Ted, as well as the only person who actually cared for him, and knew what h was going through…

“Does God hate me? Why is it always me?” asked Ted, also stamping his heavy feet.


“Don’t think about it too much, but don’t make it slip away, get something to eat for now” clarified Jenny, “You can have some of my money.” She kindly placed a 50p coin in Ted's hands, attempting to smile but looking more worried.

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“Thank you so much Jenny, I really needed someone like you”


“Ted, you have got to stop this, the more you ignore him, the more he will do to get the attention of everyone around him"


“What can I possibly do, a powerless creature as me?”    

“I’ve always told u to do this, tell the coach!” Ted threw the money back in her open hands and walked off with a grown on his face. Jenny had always been telling Ted to tell his coach of what's been ...

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