Wild and Untamed.

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    I shielded my eyes from the niggling ray of sunlight peeking into my darkened room through the mottled green curtains. I turned over with an exasperated groan to try and hold on to the last grains of sleep, knowing fully well that now I was awake, I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.

    Grumbling to myself, I lowered my feet onto the cold marble floor and slouched over to the window. With a sweep of my hand, I yanked back the curtains and for an instant the bright sunlight blinded me, and made me blink furiously. I pulled open the sliding door with a resounding screech that would not have sounded out of place in a horror movie and stepped into the Romeo and Juliet style balcony. Immediately the pungent smell of earth and flowers shrouded me in its unique embrace.

    Below me, the city of Nairobi was beginning to show signs of bustle and although it was barely 9:00, the streets were already crowded. Among the modern hotels and geometric offices laid out before me were dispersed patches of green, which were the golf courses. On the right, I could see the outline of a plane taking off from Wilson Airport, framed against the cloudless, azure blue sky and beyond that, I could just make out a greenish haze- Nairobi National Park, my destination for the day. As I stood there, the sun beating down on my back, there was a soft knock on the door and moments later my mother entered the room and told me to get ready.

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    An hour later, I was leaning against the leather backrest of the four-wheel drive, with the windows rolled down and the wind whipping my hair about my face. I watched as the landscape changed from tall buildings and mansions to broken down shanties, from broad highways, to narrow, winding streets, from well trimmed lawns to factories with gray smoke billowing from the chimneys.

    When we passed the Parliament building, I knew we had barely five miles to go before we reached the Park. A ripple of thrill ran down my spine as I thought back ...

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