William Golding's main reason to explore the "defects of human nature" in his novel Lord of the Flies is to portray the destruction caused when civilization is consumed by

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        William Golding’s main reason to explore the “defects of human nature” in his novel Lord of the Flies is to portray the destruction caused when civilization is consumed by the dark side of human nature. He also wanted to divulge the reactions and behaviors of different types of people under same situations. The four main “defects of human nature” that is explored in the novel are fear and insecurity, indolence (longing for excitement), being dependent on others and ignorance towards reality. These defects make the boys join Jack’s tribe even though Jack is selfish, quick-tempered and violent.

        Fear plays an important role not only in the novel but also in our lives as it reflects upon our actions. Everyone reacts differently while experiencing fear or insecurity. Early in the novel, Jack mentions that “We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English; and the English are best at everything. So we’ve got to do the right things” (Pg. 42). Later on, when Jack is asking the boys to raise their hands up if they don’t want Ralph as a chief, he endures humiliation as no one raised their hands. It is the fear of being ruled under Ralph which leads Jack to being the chief of the savages. Furthermore, when the “littl’uns” are afraid of the beast and tell Ralph about it, he denies it as “there isn’t a beast” (Pg. 35). This is one of the reasons why the boys left Ralph to join Jack’s tribe. Jack gave the boys a way to deal with their fear from the beast. He told the “littl’uns” that “fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream” and that “There aren’t any beasts to be afraid of on this island” (Pg. 88). Also, during the pig hunt, Jack mentions that “This head is for the beast. It’s a gift” (Pg. 151). Ironically, the “gift” is for Jack and his boys as the beast is inside them. The “gift” gives the boys a sense of security as the beast would be satisfied. Throughout the novel, the boys could not shatter their fear of the beast. In reality, it is this fear from the beast which awakens the beast inside the boys and made them commit evil deeds such as killing Simon and Piggy, stealing Piggy’s glasses, etc. This way, Golding portrays the different reactions and behavior of the boys who all experience the same fears and sense of insecurity.

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        Indolence is the key defect in Ralph which slowly separated the boys from his group. Although Ralph makes sensible rules and regulations, he is not capable of enforcing the rules on the boys. When he came up with the idea of building a fire, it is Jack who leads the boys to the top of the mountain while shouting “Come on! Follow me!” (Pg. 37) The boys joined Jack’s tribe because Jack is a natural, active leader who, instead of dreaming on the shore, is sniffing the ground for traces of pig droppings deep in the jungle. Under Jack’s reign, ...

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