Winding course of a Corkscrew, is used by Dashiell Hammett as the title of her

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Corkscrew Commentary

“One sandy street following the crooked edge of the Tirabuzon Cañon, from which, by translation, the town took its name.”

The repeatedly spirally and winding course of a Corkscrew, is used by Dashiell Hammett as the title of her short story and the name of her dry town found in the Arizona desert. The winding motion of a corkscrew suggests a repeated course of action or may represent society in which it corrupts in a spiralling motion.  Hammett uses this to suggest that all rule of law and authority has broken down in this town, and will happen again just as the sallow man says “you’ll be thirsty and dirty all over again.” The opening of the short story finds a man being faced to place authority back in a small forgotten American town, which is reluctant to change and coldly welcomes him to the town. The corruption of the town is the underlying theme hidden behind the dialogue, setting and characters of Corkscrew. The opposite characteristics of the authoritative sheriff and the locals of the town, depicts the division and separation between the lifestyles and standards of authority and the locals.

The disappointed tone created by the persona reveals the aridity of the town in which he does not wish to be in, and how authority ceases to exist. The persona makes obvious that he does not want to be in the desolate town of Corkscrew, “...and I would all bang out of existence in one explosive flash. I didn’t care if we did!” This reveals to the reader the harsh conditions of the town and how it makes people feel. We can trust the persona and his observations as he is unbiased and has never visited the town before. Other observations made by the persona, also displays the disappointed tone when he seems to be unimpressed by the town and referring to its scenery as “bitter white dust.” The weather also makes the persona seem disappointed as its silence is not one of tranquillity like a “Sunday afternoon,” but with the heat of the “Arizona desert” it causing uneasiness making him feel “boiling like a coffeepot.” The disappointing tone is further reiterated upon his arrival in the town for the first time. The town seems like a ghost town as “no person was in sight.” He is come to the town in a position of authority, yet he is greeted with little respect, being ignored by the town’s people and growled at by a sallow man. This man warns the authoritative persona of the harshness of the town, and explains the ways of the town in which authority is not welcomed. The cycle of corruption is shown when the sallow man says “You won’t no sooner drink and wash than you’ll be thirsty and dirty all over again.” The man implies that there is no use in trying to pass order in this town, as it is only going to go unnoticed by the town people, and this is shown when they ignore his authority upon meeting him.  

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The authoritative sheriff is used as a contrast against the locals to show the corruption of the society in the town. The persona, written in 1st person, is the new sheriff in the town of Corkscrew. His occupation gives him a position of power, and he is seen to have many authoritative characteristics. He is placed at a higher status than the locals and Hammett shows this with the use of colloquial language of the locals and contrasts this against the persona. “A lanky man with enormous red ears” is used to represent the common people of society, and ...

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