With Close Reference To Act 2 Scene II of ‘Macbeth’ Explore How Shakespeare Creates Dramatic Tension and Anticipation.

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Act 2 Scene II starts with Lady Macbeth waiting for Macbeth to come and tell her that he has killed King Duncan. Macbeth brings the daggers that he used during the murder down with him when he meets up with Lady Macbeth, she notices how bad this is and takes the daggers off Macbeth to go and place at the murder scene of Duncan.

A lot of action happens in this scene and it is an important scene because it creates a high amount of dramatic tension and anticipation for the audience that is carried through the rest of the play. Shakespeare uses a number of different techniques to create the feeling of tension and anticipation in the audience watching the play.

The first example of how tension and anticipation is created can be found right at the start of scene. Lady Macbeth is in the courtyard listening hard for sounds of the murder taking place. She is very excited and this excitement is transferred to the audience. Act 2 Scene II opens with Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy as she waits to discover if Macbeth has murdered Duncan:

“That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold”. (2.2.1-2)

Lady Macbeth here reveals her need for ‘Dutch courage’ and the tension of the scene is developed as she delivers her soliloquy. We see Lady Macbeth in a highly nervous state as she jumps at the shriek of an owl. People at that time believed that a shriek of an owl meant that someone was going to die. Lady Macbeth has told the audience she is feeling very excited and bold because she has drunk some wine, and they are then wondering what she is going to do because she is feeling bold. This results in a high feeling of anticipation.

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Straight after this Lady Macbeth thinks she hears something:



It was the owl that shriek’d, the fatal bellman

Which gives the stern’st good night. He is about it”(2.2.2-4)

Dramatic tension is created right away by the first two words. Lady Macbeth tells the audience that she thinks that she has heard something and tells them to listen carefully. Using monosyllabic instructions makes the audience experience the same as Lady Macbeth and dramatic tension is created because everyone is listening for something but they don’t know what. The shriek of an owl in those times meant ...

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