With reference to at least 3 poems in the selection, discuss Eliot's achievement and methods as a dramatic poet.

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With reference to at least 3 poems in the selection, discuss Eliot’s achievement and methods as a dramatic poet.

“The desert is not remote in sudden tropics… the desert is the heart of your brother” (the Rock)

Through the first, third, and fifth poems of the Wasteland in Eliot’s collection, Eliot is able to create and achieve immense dramatic images and scenes that provide us with the vivid thoughts and images that were going through Eliot’s mind at the time he wrote these poems, these images mainly relate to his nervous breakdown during this time and represent the was in which a mind thinks during these times of mental breakdown.  His usage of mythical allusions also highlight the sterility and loneliness “the age demanded an image” (Moody) which were also privately created by the town Margate; “I can connect nothing with nothing” (Eliot).  The shattering of his persona and characters in the Wasteland also create a dramatic effect as it takes us through a journey which brings an immense sense of hopelessness and a niulistic image causing us the reader to maybe finish reading the Wasteland on a negative note and pessimistic view.

The title of the first poem in the Wasteland ‘The burial of the dead’, which was meant to be named “The Horror the horror” in Eliot’s opinion, which comes from Conrad’s Heart of Darkness; immediately reflects the image of buried memories, or Christian burial ritual, however it also creates an image of the dead coming to life again as they are used as the main idea for this poem.  The poem begins in the present participle yet by the eighth line it suddenly moves from one voice to many already creating an effect of instability in the poem the “dead and dried” and also “lilacs and little life” all connect to the image of fertility in the poem, giving the dramatic effect of sterility and barren wasteland.  

Time is also personified in this poem as a cycle pulsating the life that depends on it “Covering, stirring…” this could also link personally to Eliot as this cycle is suggested to be happening at that precise moment in the poem, Eliot tries to show that it isn’t just symbolising an image for this first section, but what is going on in his head at that time.

The German verse is copied from Wagner’s tragic opera Tristan and Iseult, offering a theatrical and dramatic effect, indicating the almost operatic quality that the poem has.  The Hyacinth girl also offers a lot of drama to this poem and is a parataxis with the use of Wagner’s Tristan and Iseult.  The Hyacinth girl has many important roles sexually she could suggest something of the more profound “Young man carbuncular”.

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An idea that is also contributed throughout the poem is that the past is continuously there “Memory” and the idea of mixing the past and future shows the inability to relate to the present.  This is one of many images of the lack of escape form the wasteland and also could relate to Eliot’s own feelings with the inability to escape from his mental breakdown.  The mountains in this poem relate to the need for escape and freedom from the past and memory, “I am no Russian, I come from Lithuania therefore I’m a true German”.

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