With reference to the play's context explore the techniques used by Shakespeare to establish the mood and plot of Hamlet in scene one.

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With reference to the play’s context explore the

techniques used by Shakespeare to

establish the mood and plot

of Hamlet in scene one.

In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare uses many techniques to establish the mood and plot of the play in scene one.

In the early sixteen hundreds when the play was written, all performances of plays had to be in the daylight and theatres such as the Globe were roofless. This proved very difficult  for Shakespeare  as he had many scenes, such as scene one of Hamlet, set in the night and really had to convince the noisy crowds that even though there was sun streaming through the roof, it was actually night time. The techniques Shakespeare used to engage his audiences attention during the night scenes included things like costume, props and dialogue. With the dialogue, Shakespeare would have his characters constantly referring to the time or describing the dark and coldness.

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“Tis now struck twelve.” And “Tis bitter cold.”

Also, Shakespeare would usually have his characters walking around with props like candles and torches in order to emphasize the night and darkness.

In addition to scene one being set in the dark, the characters, Barnardo, Francisco, Horatio and Marcellus all show similar emotions like anxiety, wariness and nerves. All this is mainly because at that time, war was a constant threat and an attack on the castle was inevitable. The characters unleash their emotions on the ghost. Some are very curious and attempt communication with it.

“What art thou ...

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