Withheld Number

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Cherie Mitchell

GCSE English Coursework

Ghost Story

November 2007

Withheld Number  

I flinched as the end of day school bell drilled around me. I realised I had been dozing off in my Maths lesson and reminded myself never to put a DVD on past midnight again. I never was that interested in “Probability” anyway, if I hadn’t have been so tired the dull subject would have sent me to sleep. I started to pack my books into my bag and groaned as I remembered that the coursework was due in on Monday. A weekend crammed full of revision, “Great!”

        Outside in the corridor, I met my friends Briony and Keighley who I had earlier arranged to walk home with. The three of us live on the same street and have known each other most of our lives. We have been together through Junior School and High School and have become pretty much inseparable. Briony’s parents did attempt to send her to the local grammar school but it resulted in being only a temporary arrangement as she refused to go because she didn’t know anybody and missed Keighley and I so much. Normal weekends are spent with us all sleeping over at each other’s houses, although this particular weekend my Mum won’t allow it, as she knows that I haven’t completed my coursework yet.

        The main topic of conversation on the way home was the annual fair that arrives in town at this time of year. Keighley was planning on meeting her new boyfriend there and had talked Briony into tagging along so she wasn’t alone. They had each begged me to come earlier in the day but I knew that I wouldn’t really be able to go as I had promised my Mum that I would babysit for the doctor’s children who live a few doors away. This had been arranged for weeks and unfortunately, there was no getting out of the situation. I had a slight feeling of envy as I listened to them making plans knowing that the only company I would have is a television set and the family puppy. I tried to console myself by imagining all the homework I could do in the peace and quiet without any interruptions; but it didn’t really work, I would have preferred to go to the fair. I diverted my attention from listening to plans that really didn’t apply to me by noticing how cold it was on this November day. The frost seemed to bite at my face and I was very grateful and appreciative of the fact that mum had chased after me this morning when I forgot my hat and gloves.

        As we approached Briony and Keighley’s houses I said “Bye” and wished them a good night even though I was aching all over with jealousy. I also arranged to call them while babysitting so they can update me on how much fun they’re having, who’s kissed who and what I’m missing. My plan was also to make them feel really guilty for leaving me bored and all alone while they’re having the time of their lives.

        As I walked the 2 minute distance left to my house I listened to the autumn leaves crunching under my feet and hoped to myself that Mum hadn’t forgotten I was babysitting and had remembered to make my tea early enough to be at the doctor’s for 6 O’clock as requested.

“Wait, what was that?”        My thoughts had been interrupted by the familiar sound of leaves crunching under feet but it wasn’t my footsteps. I turned around suddenly in an attempt to find the source of the noise. I half expected it to be Briony or Keighley playing a practical joke but when I looked behind me there was nothing, just an empty, dark space on this miserable winter night.

“Stop being so silly” I thought to myself and decided that the noises were probably down to one of the neighbourhood cats. My friends would have teased me and told me I was going crazy if they had been present. I would never have heard the last of it. I smiled to myself but made an effort to walk just a little bit faster. The eerie darkness and quiet was making me paranoid and I had an uncomfortable feeling that I was being watched. My heart raced as a dog began to bark at a house on the opposite side of the road. It appeared to be barking at something or someone but I was too frightened to go and investigate. Thank Goodness I had reached my garden path.

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        Upon arriving home I ran straight upstairs to get changed. The smell of burning pizza drifted upstairs so I assumed that Mum was cooking tea. Cooking never was her talent, hence the familiar burning smell!  As I sat and ate with my younger brother I made a list of any relevant work that needed completing this weekend. At least this way, I would be able to keep organised, unlike previous attempts where revision books and notepads have ended up strewn across my bedroom floor.        

        Mum reminded me before I set off to make a good impression and not to have ...

This is a preview of the whole essay