wordsworth and hardy compare

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Maarya Ghani 11S14


English Essay

How do Hardy and Wordsworth explore

The theme of Nature and Childhood?

Nature is beautiful. This is views of people in the 18th century. Nature was loved and appreciated back in time, true life based poems were written about it, two of them were Thomas hardy & William Wordsworth. These two poets were in love with nature not only did they write about it they fell in deep love with nature that they expressed their feelings within their poetry to the world. There is a quote in Hardy’s poem “I could live on thus till end”, point is that he could live with/sacrifice all his life for nature, just like a man sacrifices his life to women when he takes a marriage vow quote is “until death do us part” this shows the personification from nature to a human being Whereas Wordsworth has a different way of expressing his feelings which is describing nature with obsession such as “Small circles glittering idly in the moon,”

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Hardy’s poem ‘Childhood among ferns’ shows six different sides to nature which are: Beauty (“ferns spread out luxuriantly”), power (“The rain gained strength”); it acts like a: parent (“tall ferns sheltered me”) and friend (“brought forth a sweet breath”), and also he is at one with nature. William and hardy use a wide range of punctuation and description for effect and also for description of their wonderful nature. This is a very strong quote showing the beautiful side of nature “The sun then burst, and brought forth a sweet breath…” this quote is a personification of a human breathing ...

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