Write a comparative essay about ‘The Red Room’ by H.G Wells And ‘The Signalman’ by Charles Dickens

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By Adnan Younis

Write a comparative essay about

‘The Red Room’ by H.G Wells

And  ‘The Signalman’ by Charles


The story ‘The Red Room’ by H.G Wells is about a man who visits a castle and wants to enter ‘The Red Room. He believes the spirits of his predecessors are there. He is warned not to enter but does. He becomes scared of ‘Fear’.

        The story ‘The Signalman’ is about a man who meets a signalman who is having trouble with life. He claims to have premonitions of future events. The man is shocked when he realises that the signalman was seeing future events that led to his own death.

        In this essay I am comparing the two stories mentioned above and will conclude by summing up the differences and similarities in both stories.

        In both stories there is Human Isolation. In ‘The Red Room’ human isolation is shown by the fact of the man entering the red room itself. It was a very lonely experience. Isolation contributed to him feeling fear. It would not have been quite as scary if he had an accomplice.

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‘’ I flung out my arms in a vain effort to thrust that ponderous

Blackness away from me, and lifting up my voice,

Screamed with all my might…’’

By contrast ‘’The Signalman’’ shows isolation in a completely different way. The man has been isolated from people for longer period of time. His isolation is built up in the story by the author in a number of ways. The man describes the place the signalman occupied; also in the way he reacts to the man he meets. He talks like a man who is troubled. The man thinks that ‘‘this was ...

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