Write a Critical analysis of the extract “August Bank Holiday” How Effective is Dylan Thomas’ use of Language and Image.

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Write a Critical analysis of the extract "August Bank Holiday" How Effective is Dylan Thomas' use of Language and Image.

August bank holiday by Dylan Thomas is a prose set on a beach built with an unusual metaphorical language to portrait a prose that I believe is a happy childhood memory of a family day out at the beach on an August bank holiday. He uses a very uncommon use of words and uses a lot of metaphors, alliteration and similes to paint a picture in your head of what he is writing.
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There were many metaphors used in this piece of writing, some sad and some joyous. An example of a happy metaphor used in the prose: "A tune on an ice cream cornet." This is comparing the joy of eating an ice cream to the fun of playing a trumpet or vice versa. An example of a sad is: "I can remember the boy by himself, the beach combing lone wolf." This is using the lone wolf's solitude and loneliness of beach combing to say that the boy feels left out and lonely.

As well as metaphors ...

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