Causes and Effects of Migration

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Causes and Effects of Internal and External Migration

Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. We can divide it into two different parts. Internal migration which is rural(towns) to urban(cities). For example, Oakham to Manchester and external migration also can be said as international migration which is the movement from one country to another. For example, Turks to Germany or Mexicans to USA which I am going to talk about it as we go on.

People migrate for two reasons. Firstly, they may wish to get away from the things that they do not like. These are called push factors and include:-

  • not enough and poorly paid jobs
  • old and poor quality houses
  • natural disasters – earthquakes, volcanoes, wars
  • few oppotunities – shopping centers, cinema, food, schools, hospitals
  • poor transport

Secondly, people are attracted to the things that they do like. These are called pull factors and include:-

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  • more and better paid jobs
  • new and good quality houses
  • better education – more oppotunities
  • improved medical care
  • better transport

 Now I am going to talk about the rural-urban migration in Britain. During the Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century, many people in Britain were either forced to leave the countryside caused by push factors or attracted to the growing towns caused by the pull factors. Between about 1930 and 1980 there were people from the north and west of Britain such as Glasgow and Edinburgh to the south-east of England such as London. While the ...

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Vocabularly is good on the whole, with important terms used including internal migration and push/pull factors. There are errors in punctuation, such as missing out apostrophes and putting some where they shouldn't be. The sentences can be too short, so more connectives should be used to create longer compound sentences. This isn't a big issue but something I think people should avoid: using the same introduction into every paragraph; notably 'now I am going to talk about...'. In the end the essay is to inform, describe and explain and shouldn't be treated as a casual conversation.

The writer does well at summing up the push-pull factors and then giving real life examples of how these cause migration. A few key push and pull factors are missed out including family being in other countries. Also a war is not a natural disaster. The essay has no real end and seems like it turns to a detailed list rather than an essay - however the content itself is quite good. More explanation rather than description could be well warranted.

The essay provides a lot of information about why people migrate, the causes of it, but does little to explain the effects of it. There are parts where they note how Mexican immigration to the US means there are fewer jobs for US citizens but other than that it seems a little thin. So overall more attention must be paid to the question - clearly writing about effects of migration as well as their specific effects in the examples the writer discusses.