Fresh Water Ecology.

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My aim is to distinguish the general situation of the River Swale. Mainly, I am interested in the oxygen content of the water in the Swale. To do this I observed what organisms live in which part of the river as different organisms need different amounts of oxygen. For example, organisms such as mayfly larvae need more oxygen than, for example, bloodworms. If more mayfly larvae are present, this suggests that the water is quite oxygenated. Where the water crashes over rocks, there tends to be a lot of oxygen as the water is aerated so organisms needing a lot of oxygen tend to be found here.

I am also interested in the speed of flow of the River Swale. Also, general things such as any signs of pollution. I am would like to investigate what effects man has made to the ecosystem, as well.

To help me find out some/all of these issues, I am going to calculate the Trent River Biotic Index, the Diversity Index and the Biochemical Oxygen Demand.


My prediction was that the water of the River Swale will be in quite good condition as it is flowing from the mountains meaning that it will be quite fresh.

River's, which aren't fresh and are polluted, is mainly because of organic pollution. Organic pollution includes sewage and silage effluent. Organic wastes are 'oxygen-requiring' because they are decomposed by bacteria and bacteria use up the oxygen in their process of respiration. Bacteria place a high oxygen demand upon the water. The quality of the water can be measured by taking its biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). This is what we are going to do as a class. The lower the oxygen biochemical oxygen demand, the fewer bacteria present. If fewer bacteria are present, this indicates that there is less organic material in the water.
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I, also, think that the Swale will be fairly oxygenated as there are lots of rocks and stones in it, obstructing the natural flow of the river, so the river is colliding with the rocks at quite a speed which aerates the water as air is getting into it, thus, oxygenating it. I predict that the flow is reasonably fast from my own knowledge but I'm not quite sure how fast.


x White Tray

x Small Sieve

x Magnifying Glass

x Clipboard

x Identification Sheet (pictures of various organisms)


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