How Does Quality of Life Vary Across London?

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Candidate No. 1312                        Subject: Geography

How Does Quality of Life Vary Across London?


Quality of life is the focal point of this piece of coursework. In order to investigate the quality of life across London, we carried out fieldwork in six different areas in London.

Quality of life is the level of satisfaction people have with their lives in their environment. This is a relative concept. It is the standard of living’ which is the satisfaction people have with their way of life - a more general term used to describe countries rather than regions - along with other considerations such as noise and air pollution.

Models are theoretical framework, which have been created to show land. They help to explain the reality though may not actually exist. As the urban area grows, they tend to develop recognisable patterns and although each settlement has its own unique pattern it is likely to show similarities with other cities.

Many models have been put forward but there are two models, which are commonly used. They are two of the earliest and most simplified land use models, the concentric model – or Burgess Model – and the sector model – or Hoyt model.


  • Burgess model

This was created in 1924 and is based on Chicago. He claimed that there was a CBD in the centre of all towns and cities and that it went out in a concentric pattern. He believed that as you went outwards, the buildings got newer and the occupants became wealthier. Therefore, the quality of life improved with distance from a city centre. However, he did make assumptions: -

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  • Assumptions
  • City is built on flat land
  • Transport system was not significant
  • Land values were highest in the centre and declined as you go outwards
  • Poorer classes lived near the centre and places of work
  • Limitations
  • Only specific to one place and time
  • Each zone actually contains more than one land use
  • Does not take account of modern redevelopment or out of town redevelopment
  • Hoyt model

This was created in 1939 and was based on 142 US states. He proposed his model after public transport development. He suggested that rather than going out in circles, the ...

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