Hypotheses: Woking has all the characteristics of a typical CBD Woking's CBD is going through a period of physical growth in all directions

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Woking Project 2006

Woking GCSE Project

Aim: does Woking have a CBD?


  1. Woking has all the characteristics of a typical CBD

  1. Woking’s CBD is going through a period of physical growth in all directions

  1. Woking has an extensive sphere of influence, which reflects its important place in the regional shopping hierarchy

We will test these hypotheses by carrying out some activities to prove or disprove the hypotheses.

We are doing a project to find out about Woking’s CBD, we are going to do many activities to try and find out a whole range of data which give us an incite into Woking’s CBD and what its like. A CBD is the central business district- the main shopping place in a settlement. It is normally in the centre of a settlement and is where most people will go to shop. The bigger it is and the bigger the settlement the bigger the ‘sphere of influence’ – the distance that people travel to go there to shop.


Pedestrians Counts

  • Made a gate across the shop front
  • Counted the amount of people who went in and out for five minutes
  • It was done so we could to see how busy the shop was at different times

Land Use Survey

  • We walked out from the CBD along a set route and we noted what the land use was of the buildings on either side of the road every 20 paces
  • This was to get an idea of what the main land use was and how it changed the further away from the CBD
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Rate Index

  • We paced the designated shops front and found out the gross rate value of the shops then determined the rate index
  • This was to find out how much the shops were worth and how the price differed as you got further away from the PLVI

Shopping Quality & Street Appearance

  • We gave the street and the shops a mark for there quality and appearance
  • This was to see how it changed further away from the CBD


  • We approached people at random and asked them if ...

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