Investigating whether there is a relationship between size of settlement and its functional index and sphere of influence.

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Investigating whether there is a relationship between size of settlement and its functional index and sphere of influence.

Aim and hypotheses:

My aim is to test the following relationships:

-The larger the population of a settlement, the higher the functional index will be.

-The greater the functional index, the larger the sphere of influence will be.

-People travel further for higher order goods and services, and do not travel as far for lower order goods and services.


I predict that if a settlement has a higher population, the functional index of that settlement will be higher. I think this because the Central Place Theory states that if a settlement is larger, it can support a higher level of services.

Taking this into account, I have made a second prediction, which is that the higher the functional index, the larger the sphere of influence will be. This is because I think that people will travel further for higher order goods and services. A place with a high functional index (for example Reading), selling middle and high order goods such as clothing, jewellery and electronics will attract more people than a settlement selling middle and low order goods such as food.

I also predict that the higher the population of a settlement, the larger the sphere of influence will be. Once again, taking into account that the Central Place Theory states that the larger the population of a settlement, the higher level of services it can support and the larger the sphere of influence will be. I think that this is because a settlement with a higher population is able to support higher order services, which people travel further for, thus creating a larger sphere of influence.

I think that Reading and Newbury will have the largest spheres of influence and the highest functional indexes, as they both have large populations, which are able to support higher order goods and services. Twyford will have the smallest sphere of influence and functional index, as it is not a large settlement and cannot support a large range of high and middle order services and goods. I think that people travel further for higher order goods and services, and do not travel as far for lower order goods and services. Therefore Twyford will have a smaller functional index than Reading or Maidenhead.


Fifteen settlements were visited and the number and type of each service (for example clothes shops, restaurants etc) were recorded. This will show which services are available to people visiting this settlement. Each service was high order (eg-Department store or hospital), middle order (eg-restaurant or supermarket) or low order (eg-News agents or general store). Low order was given one point, middle order was given two points, and high order was given three points. The points were added up and recorded for each settlement. This information was then used to give a functional index for each settlement, which shows the number of services of low, medium, and high order in each settlement. The information given by the functional index shows which settlements more people are likely to visit and which settlements people are most likely to travel further to visit. For example, somebody would be less likely to travel a long distance to buy a low order good (such as a loaf of bread), but would probably be prepared to travel a further distance to purchase higher order goods such as clothing or shoes. The same can be applied for a high order service, and we can find out how far people are prepared to travel for services such as a doctors, dentists, or accountant, for example.

The data produced from collecting the functional index will be used with the spheres of influence of Twyford, Maidenhead and Reading to test my hypothesis.
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The spheres of influence will be plotted using data which I have collected using questionnaires. The questionnaires are used to find out where the people visiting each of the four settlements have travelled from. The survey can be extended by finding out which age groups generally visit each settlement and which method of transport was used. We can also find out the purpose of peoples visits, which will show us how far people are prepared to travel for higher order goods and services. This shows the accessibility of the settlement. The purpose of their visits can also be ...

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