Life in a Rainforest as an Amerindian

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The first (human) inhabitants of the Amazon were probably Stone Age hunter-gatherers who arrived a little over 20,000 years ago. These people split into two different communities. Some lived in the Amazon basin and others went to live up in the Andes. The Amerindians who went to live in the Andes adapted to the heights of up to 17,000 feet and the lack of oxygen by developing larger lungs and extra red blood corpuscles.

About 500 years ago the population in the Amazon basin is estimated to have been at least 5 million. Floodplains next to the rivers were very fertile so there was lots of competition over the land. The people who settled here could live in permanent villages with populations reaching 3000. They grew beans and manioc and managed to prosper. They also relied on hunting and gathering.  

In 1531 Francisco Pizarro and 180 Spanish Conquistadors landed in Ecuador. They had a big impact on the Amerindian communities, wiping out whole tribes. The Amerindians were badly affected by diseases which the Spanish brought with them, such as smallpox, measles and even the common cold. The Spanish also killed many Amerindians using guns.

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Amerindians living in the rainforest now live in much smaller communities. They create large clearings in the forest, often near a river for a good water supply, and on a mound so it is less likely to flood and is less humid. They build their huts around the edge of the clearing. There is often a central communal hut used for meetings and special occasions called a maloca. The huts are made out of wood and palm leaves are used to make a thatched roof.

Because the Amerindians live in such isolation socialising is very important and neighbouring tribes ...

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