methodolgy for portobello road

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Key questionsMethod JustificationSource Using the data Problems/limitationsSolutionsWhat was Portobello road like in the past?2.    What is Portobello road like today?Secondary source materialLand-use survey, field sketches + photos, environmental survey, chain stores, some questionnaires Secondary source material is the best method to use for this question, as it will give me a clear vision of what Portobello road was like back in the past.The land-use survey, field sketches + photos, environmental survey, chain stores today will help me get a clear picture of how Portobello road is today. Especially chain stores today and some questionnaires as they are the most accurate answer I will get as they are observing the character, change of wealth from chain stores today. The questionnaires will be based on personal opinions from the local residents.SecondaryPrimary   With the data I will get labelled pictures, descriptions.With the data I will get description, labelled pictures, graphs and charts, cholopeth map.Well the problems that I could face with this question is whether I can get accurate information for example if I use wilkepedia I can not be sure on the accuracy and have a limit of accurate information as people put information there by themselves. Which could include opinions, which may be inaccurate.With the materials used I may not be able to do field sketches accurately as I am weak at drawing so I may not be able to draw clear field sketches therefore using photos instead. Also the environmental survey is a biased view of the surroundings as it is your opinions which is a limitation as it may not be as accurate in other
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people’s minds as everyone has different opinions. Solutions to this could be to use a website containing secondary source material for example material, which is copyrighted. As you know the material is from a sufficient source.Well as drawing is my weak point I may have to get secondary source pictures. I may have to compare my environmental survey with others and come to conclusion to change some answers or to stick with them. What changes have occurred? 4.   Why is Portobello road changing?Secondary source material, Land-use survey, field sketches + photos, environmental survey, chain storesEnvironmental survey, questionnaire, chain store survey, ...

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