Olympic Sites 2012 - how will the globally known Olympic games have an impact on East London and why not hold them in any other area of London?

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Geography newspaper

The 2012 Olympics are going to be held in London over Paris because of promises of greener games and a huge improvement on the people and land of East London. But how will the globally known Olympic games have an impact on East London and why not hold them in any other area of London?

Although many events will be held across London (table of events and corresponding locations in London below) the main Olympic stadium will be holding all the athletic events and the opening and closing ceremony.  This stadium will be built in Lower Lea Valley in East London. It is being built here because the government believes that it will rejuvenate this run-down and derelict area of London by bringing a worldwide known event to this area, which in turn will bring tourism and new public services.

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Lower Lea Valley is the area around the river Lea which has been contaminated by old industry and a landfill site which have polluted the surrounding area and river with arsenic, lead, petrol, oil, tar and litter. The jobs available in this section of London would have been limited to the nearby chemical plant, soap factory; petrol factory, varnish factory and textiles factory. These factories would have been around between the time that Britain was developing from primary sector jobs to tertiary sector jobs and have now been knocked down or are unused ...

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Overall rating: 3 out of 5 stars. Comments: Many useful and appropriate key descriptions and some explanations. However, more extended explanations and secondary impacts are needed to provide more detailed impacts and effects, both positive and negative. The use of photos/images is good, but they need to be referred to in text or given annotations to make them more useful. Finally, a summarising conclusion will give the report a clear and useful ending.