Report on an Under-Developed Country. Nepal.

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Have you ever been to a country where our past is in the present and our present is going to be in the future? Nepal is an undeveloped country and it is one of the “ten unprosperous countries” (Tessa Feller) in the world. Nepal is one of the most religious countries and is the only official Hindu state in the world. Nepal was only introduced to the world in 1951. Before that, Nepal was under the rule of the Rana’s, who did not allow any tourist to enter. Now, Nepal is once again a monarchy. Since then, Nepal is being introduced to many modern equipment and settlements. It is very depressing for Nepal, having to face this situation when it has many tourist attractions, and many people would like to visit a society completely different from their own.  The poor economy of Nepal is holding its true potential from shining. By donating, the economy can grow and children can have a proper education. Since, tourists live in poor conditions when in Nepal, companies can invest to make hotels and make a large profit from it.  

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         Tourism is Nepal’s most important industry, although it has “suffered from the Maoist conflict” (Tessa Feller). Nepal’s tourists range from two-hundred thousand to four-hundred thousand every year. The main reason why people visit Nepal is because it is a completely different society than their own. Since Nepal was only introduced to the world in 1951, many people don’t know about it. It is a society under the progression of modernizing, but is still in the past. Also, Nepal has many attractions such as the Himalayas containing eight of the ten highest mountains in the world. The Himalayas are not just ...

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