See if whether there is a relationship between the width of the footpath which people are given and the amount of damaged vegetation.

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Spearman’s rank test

Aim: - to see if whether there is a relationship between the width of the footpath which people are given and the amount of damaged vegetation.








My scatter graph shows a clear negative correlation relationship between the percentages of ground cover to the footpath width.  They are indirectly proportional.

Data analysis


Do tourists cause problems for Oxwich Bay?


Oxwich bay receives around 250,000 visitors per annum.  8000 of those students are dong A-level, GCSE and even degree level coursework (mainly in the summer as this is the peak season).


Industry mainly functions in summer seeing as this is the peak season for when tourists attend the bay.  This is called seasonality.


We visited the bay in April; we also visited the bay during the week.  As it says above the peak season is summer therefore our results would not of represented the usual situation.


Tourists bring advantages and disadvantages when visiting the dunes:




        Tourist bring in a lot of money to bed and breakfast’s, hotels, gift shops, café’s etc.  This is important, as Oxwich Bay is a nature reserve so it cannot be developed or built.


        Seeing as tourists visit the Bay, the NCC makes sure the place is always tidy.


        Tourists also bring a lively atmosphere.




  • Seeing as the peak season is summer and the other seasons are dull when in bringing in money, three quarters of the year very little money coming into the area. 


  • Tourists also cause noise, litter, and air pollution and bring their city attitudes to the area. 

Traffic congestion and pollution


The roads at Oxwich Bay were narrow, twisty, have walls leaning into them, have overgrown trees making them narrow and they are hilly.  The roads are in this state because the nature reserve authorities cannot develop or improve the road network.


There were around two coaches and five cars in Oxwich bay. This indicates that there was a little amount of visitors at the Bay.


If the coaches and cars are going in opposite directions they will have to stop in passing places and start off uphill, which is when they are at their most inefficient (and this wasn’t even during peak season).


These cars give out carbon monoxide that suffocates plants by the soot and fumes covering up the stomata and chloroplasts therefore not allowing light to be absorbed which in turn kills the plant because it won’t let it photosynthesise.

Walkers and trampling

Oxwich Bay has a diversity of vegetation and flora such as marram grass, bracken, birch trees, sea spurge etc.


To solve the problem of walkers over these plants the NCC has put down footpaths the walkers will stick to.  


The main problem with the path is that they are too narrow.  To resolve this problem maybe the NCC could create a one-way diversion system. To see if the footpaths work I carried out a Spearman’s rank test to see if tourists stuck to the footpaths given.  I carried out a Spearman’s rank test to see if tourists stuck to the footpaths given

I found there was a strong negative relationship between footpath width and vegetation cover.


This is the opposite of what we expected because we did not collect enough data.  I still think that if given a wider footpath the tourists will stick to it.


Another problem is that they weren’t very clear (the footpaths) i.e. camouflaged in the marram and sand therefore people tend to trample on the marram accidentally etc.  To resolve this problem you could put wood chippings around the footpaths as this is eco friendly and also it fertilises the soil.

I found there was a strong negative relationship between footpath width and vegetation cover.

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This is the opposite of what we expected because we did not collect enough data.  I still think that if given a wider footpath the tourists will stick to it.


Litter pollution and footpaths are a few of the things that are left by the tourists.


Blowouts are craters of sand.  They are formed by trampling on marram grass, making the roots loose and come out.  The marram later decomposes and leaves and more sand fill the area without sand in the dune.




There were some bins but not enough for that particular ...

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