Solving Crime On Cowley Road Project

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Solving Crime On Cowley Road


(Listed in order from worst crime to least bad crime.)

  1. House burglary.
  2. Shoplifting.
  3. Bike theft.
  4. Non-residents parking in front of residents houses, preventing the residents from parking there.
  5. Teenagers breaking into the local school and causing damage.
  6. Parking outside shops causing traffic jams and delays.

Background information: there is a high population of students in the area due to the nearby university. This means that there are often several cars per household without ample parking space. House burglaries are particularly devastating when there are four or five laptops and televisions in every house. Many students cycle to university and so bike theft is a huge problem.

I rated house burglary as 1 because that would have the largest impact on the victim’s life. However it is important to consider whether a smaller but continuous problem would be more frustrating than a one-off disaster.

I rated shoplifting as 2 because this is a major problem since there are a high number of small local businesses which cannot afford CCTV systems, but for whom shoplifting affects more than large chains of businesses.

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I rated bike theft as 3 because a bicycle can cost hundreds of pounds and again I think that most people would prefer to have parking problems regularly than have expensive and important property stolen once or twice.

I rated residents not being able to park in front of their houses as 4 because although it would not seem like a big problem it may be happening every day for a number of years which would become incredibly frustrating. Also, it affects a large number of people.

I rated teenagers breaking into the local school as 5 because it is ...

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