The Alaska Wildlife Refuge - Dig it up or let it be

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Over the past few years, the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge has been gathering information and research over the issues facing Alaska and the possibilities of digging up a minimum portion of land for beneficial profits for both social communities of Alaskans and subsidy in economical issues.

As a research and development officer of the oil company, I would like to present some of the possibilities in digging up the land. Firstly, only 8% of land from the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge will be used for development, the rest of 92% would be permanently restricted from any oil development and production. This concludes to only half of one percent of Alaska National Wildlife Refuge would be affected by the development since the development would be taken part only in the coastal plains of Alaska. Secondly, it would also increase opportunities for Alaskans to have jobs and between 250,000 and 735,000jobs would be formed from this oil development.

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In addition, not only does this Alaska National Wildlife Refuge oil development wouldbarely affect the land of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and increase job opportunities but it would also help increase the economy issues facing around the world. In the current state of economical issues, stock market are falling down, oil prices are still continuing to increase its price causing the economy to drop frantically. Currently the United States of America has been importing most of their oil from other countries, resulting the rise in oil prices in the States since the costs of importing oil are raised ...

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