The River Landscape.

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Hayley Pearcy. 11Gio


Question 3.

I have identified a meander as the first feature of my sketch. There are many meanders shown along the part of the river shown in this photo. I am describing the one that comes first as the river enters the page at the forefront of the picture. Here the river flows what looks to be straight and then it turns back on itself to form the beginning of another meander.

On one side of the meander there is a break of slope, a river cliff. It is quite large and the soil exposed is fairly sandy (milstone grit) and contains fragments of white rock that could be limestone. This soil has clearly been slipping down, as at the base of the cliff there are fragments of this rock littering the side of the river some of these rocks may have been deposited from further upstream. The sandy soil will probably have been carried away by the flow of the river. On the opposite side of the meander there is an area of flat land. This is the slip-off slope of the meander. Unlike the river cliff side, the slip off slope side is covered in grassy vegetation. The thickness of this vegetation increases, as it gets closer to the river. There is a very visible band showing these two thicknesses.

The second feature that I have highlighted is the scar. This is an area of the valley side that has collapsed to expose the soil underneath. It is quite large as it extends from the top of where the hill starts to slope sharply down into a valley to the floor of the valley itself. The amount of exposed soil increases further down the scar as is gets wider. There are clearly rocks visible that have been exposed with the soil. These are of the same kinds that were exposed on the river cliff. The soil looks to be the same sandy kind as well. The scar is not too deep and it looks to be only the top layer of soil that has slipped off. The base of the scar leads directly onto the outside bend of a meander and there seem to be an increasing amount of rocks as you go down the scar and a mass of rocks at the base of it and at the bend of the meander.
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Question 5.

Over time different processes have shape the landscape in this picture to make it look the way it does now. This photograph shows a small, u-shaped valley with a small river at the base of it. There are many other landforms shown along the small section of river in the photo. These landforms have evolved with time from what was a section of plain, flat land many years ago. The diagram below shows what the land looked like before different processes shaped it.

So what happened to result in this drastic change?


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