Vegetation Coursework

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Introduction                                                                         2-3

Aim                                                                                          4

Hypotheses                                                                          4

Methodology                                                                          5

Map of Study Area                                                                  6

Photo Analysis                                                                        7-12

Written Analysis                                                                13-22

Conclusion                                                                          23

Evaluation                                                                          24


What is Vegetation?

Vegetation is the term given to plant life in an area. It refers to the amount of area that is covered by plant life however it doesn’t specify what types or species of plants are there.

There are two main types of vegetation, natural and cultivated. Cultivated vegetation is vegetation that has been created through the help of human beings such as farmland, mining and lumbering.  

Natural Vegetation is defined as plants that grow without human assistance in a particular place such as forests, deserts and shrubs. They are found mainly on the outskirts of cities or in rural areas. The natural vegetation of a particular place varies according to a lot of factors.


Climate is the main factor which determines the types of plant species that you will find in a given place as the certain plants can only survive in certain conditions. The main elements of climate that affect plants are rainfall, temperature.

Other factors are:

Latitudinal position affects the amount of light available to the plants and the intensity at which the sun shines. If there is too much sunlight then plants die but if there isn’t enough sunlight then they die as well. This is because plants need sunlight to perform photosynthesis which is essential for them to live as that is the way they produce food for themselves, however if plants cannot survive in extreme sunshine as it would dry up all the water and can cause them to shrivel-up and burn.

The altitude of a place can affect the areas vegetation as the higher the altitude the more wind there is. Wind can cause soil erosion which means that the soils will not a have the nutrients to sustain a densely vegetated area.  

Availability of water body is a factor which determines the type of vegetation present in the area.  Near rivers the vegetation is very dense as the soil has got a lot of nutrients; this is due to the pressure of the silt.

The amount of precipitation is a major factor that affects the vegetation in an area. Depending on the amount of rain, different types of plants and trees grow. For example in arid regions where the rainfall is minimal most plants can’t survive and therefore dense vegetation is very rare in deserts. Only xerophytes like cacti can survive as they preserve water in their trunks. In areas where rainfall is in abundance for example in tropical rainforests, the vegetation is very dense and there is also a great variety of plants and even animals.

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Given its large size is home to a great variety of natural vegetation. There are distinctive features in each type of natural vegetation. The Himalayas cover most of the northern part of the country. In the western Himalayas there is a large variety of trees and ferns present for example, chirpine and other conifers deodar, blue pine, spruce, silver fir, and junipers. In the eastern part of Himalayas there is also a variety of oaks, laurels, maples, rhododendrons, alder and dwarf willows. As you move further down the area the natural vegetation is an ...

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