Which service centre, has the most services?

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Key Questions Graphs, Analysis and Interpretation

Key Question 1 –which service centre, has the most services?

Number of shops at each centre|

Raw Data

(Refer to land use map in Appendix A)

(Graphs for this question is on the next page)


As the graph shows that Walthamstow has the most shops out of all the other service centre but almost double and more, then it is Ilford exchange it is because Walthamstow is of a much bigger scale to the other centres o it has more area to build more shop and the other centre do not have that facility. Lowest amount of shops is the corner shop and the two parade of shop are very close in terms of number of shops.


This does answer my key question as it clearly tell me that Walthamstow has the most shops and that the corner shop has the least there are theory’s to these to there outcomes that have be been proven correct by the result and the parade of shops both stand near each other with almost the same amount. But overall it tells me that Walthamstow has the most services following Ilford exchange shopping centre.

Questionnaire – 3.What is your purpose for coming here?

Raw Data

(Graph for this question is on the next page)
Analysis –

As you can see in the graph attached is that the main reason people come to all of the service centres is that they come there for shopping with the odd ones for work within the centre and for a day out or a break. This is what I expected from each of the centres as the main serve attraction is shopping only but for the larger centres there are other services, as you will discover in question 7 of the questionnaire. Also from the graph attached with the number of service centres displayed for each service centre shows that Walthamstow has the most services available (shops) and the least is the corner shop with one shop.


My analysis does give a rough ideas to key question 1 as it is not a direct answer to all the services available in the centre but it tells made the main service that the public come to the centre for and what is not available in another centre. And the main purpose for the visit to a centre and what they expect to do there which is shopping.

Questionnaire 7 –what shops do you visit?

Raw Data

(Graph for this key question is on the next page)

Analysis –

As you can see from the graph is that most of the different services within shopping and varsity of goods is only available in Walthamstow market and Ilford exchange as they are very large centres. Also as you can see the parade of shops and corner shops are only bairly used for convenience goods. The two large centres are evenly spread with the other shops services between them there is not much difference.


The analysis to question 7 does give me a clear picture of the services available in each centre, as it is more specific than question 3. As I can clearly see from the graph that Ilford exchange and Walthamstow have much more variety than the other 3 centres compared to the other 3 centres that have the main service of convenience goods. What I can conclude from this is that Ilford and Walthamstow have the most services and between them two shopping centre Walthamstow has more services available by a slight edge and there is not a large margin between the two centres.

This is problem dues to the size advantage of Walthamstow was you can also see from the number of shops graph that it has a large advantage over its closest rival Ilford exchange.

Key Question 2 – which service centre, has the largest range of goods?

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Questionnaire – 7. What shops did you visit?

Raw Data

(Graph for this key question is on the next page)


As you can see from the graph that Walthamstow and Ilford have the largest range of goods from all types that attract customers to them making them higher up in the hierarchy than the other three centres. The corner shop and parade of shops only have mainly convenience goods and a couple other odd ones and not any of the other main categories making the range of goods low as ...

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