Child development - Physical development.

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As physical development proceeds the child aquiers various physical skills. Co-ordination between the brain and muscles develop motor skills.

Gross motor skills use large muscles for walking running climbing etc.

Fine skills involves precise skills for pointing writing throwing etc. In a new born baby the muscles are undeveloped so they need time to do this.

At 3 months a baby learns to control it's head.

At 6 months a baby should have complete muscle control in the head.

At 9 months a baby can crawl or shuffle, some babies miss this stage and go straight on to walk.

At 15 months most babies can walk alone the average age is 13 months

At 18 months a child can walk upstairs and feed themselves.

2 years a child can put on shoes begin to draw and build a tower with bricks.

3 years a child can begin to dress themselves.

4 years a child should be able to eat with a spoon and a fork.

5 years a child should complete dressing and undressing without help.

All children progress at different stages in their life there are no rules only guidelines for you to follow. If a child does not progress around these guidelines then cause for concern can sometimes be needed.

When babies are born they start by using both hands, by the age of 3 they usually have a preference ie. Left or right.

6-8years children continue to develop and improve on their motor skills through stimulation at school and play. Children like to be in control of themselves. They become aware of their own body and what they are capable of doing.

Co-ordination is soon discovered when they start to feed themselves they learn where their mouth is.

Pre-school children learn by threading , puzzles and putting shapes in correct places.

The older child learns more complex skills like sewing planting and finding the correct place for things.

Balance is an important part of physical development. Babies learn to walk and older children can hop balance on things build bricks and all children love to learn to ride a 2 wheeled bike.
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All children learn to develop certain skills at different times there is no fixed time for each child to physically develop certain skills. Each child will do different skills at different times when they are ready. We can only encourage and help them when they are ready.

A child with special needs will need different help to develop relating to their disability.

Downs syndrom children have floppy muscles so they need help to straighten them.

Children with cerebal palsy have tight muscles.

Swimming is very beneficial for a range of disabilities to help encourage ...

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