'Children generally might benefit in terms of their cognitive development from nursery care, but at the same time might suffer emotional deprivation because they experience separation. 'A personal study into the effects of daycare.

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Hannah Eyre

 ‘Children generally might benefit in terms of their cognitive development from nursery care, but at the same time might suffer emotional deprivation because they experience separation.’

A personal study into the effects of daycare.

The attachment theory suggests that children need strong relationships which their primary carers and that this bond or relationship begins in the first few months of a baby’s life. For most babies and children, the primary carer is their mother or father. It is generally accepted that when children do not have a strong bond with a primary carer, they find it difficult to socialise and develop relationships with others.

        The child staying at home with their parent has a number of advantages. For example; the first emotional attachment is usually with the parent. Therefore, if the child is put into day care, this may cause distress as it involves being detached from that primary carer.  Also, separation from the primary caregiver at an early age can lead to depression later in life.

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Although, if a child cannot be with their primary carer, it is important that they receive good quality constant loving care.

This can be a concern with nurseries. Robertson and Bowlby (1952) studied young children who were separated from their mother for some time. They came up with a model called the PDD model, which is:

  1. Protest
  2. Despair
  3. Detachment.

Bartlett suggests this does not take into individual differences into account. Some children may cope really well. A child can also learn a lot in nurseries which can help them later in life. For example: providing play materials ...

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