Communication and Individual Rights within Health & Social Care

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Communication and Individual rights with in the Health and Social Care Sectors.

The Communication Cycle.

Each sector of the communication cycle needs to be followed for the cycle to be successful. Firstly Person A says something, and then this message is sent. Person B sees and hears the message and the message is taken in. The message is then de-coded and understood. A new message is then formed and sent and Person A then sees and hears it and there is now a new understanding. The communication cycle goes round and round


Forms of communication


Verbal communication uses words; this can come in the form of letters, text, emails or memo which uses writing. Sometimes verbal communication is mixed up with oral (which is spoken). An example of verbal communication is a doctor talking to a patient about their illness.

Non verbal

Non verbal communication uses sign language and pictures. An example of non verbal communication is a person with hearing difficulties, so a deaf person and somebody else.

Body language

Body language communication tells somebody exactly how you feel about the conversation you are having. If you’re not interested you usually turn your body away and don’t look at the person who is speaking to you. An example of it is a doctor is telling a patient they need to lose weight and the patient is sat there with their arms folded and nodding their head agreeing.

Active listening

Active listening is a structured way of listening and responding to others. There are many benefits of using active listening such as, it gets people to open up, it avoids misunderstandings and resolves conflicts. A way of using active listening is to paraphrase what the speaker says; this basically means to re-word what they have just said. This is to make sure you have understood. An example of this if the police took your details they would repeat what you said back to you so they knew they had got it right.

Facial Expressions

Facial expression is a non-verbal way of communicating. These movements in your face show others how you are feeling inside. In any conversation the other person can tell you’re not interested just by the way you look at them.

Touch or contact

Touch or contact is used in all different ways when communicating. Sometimes if you touch a person it’s because you know their not concentrating so you touch them to try and make them concentrate on you. Other times people touch you to make you feel comfortable, if your friends upset you might hug them which makes them feel better but, although touching someone is used to comfort a person sometimes people are nervous when you’re touching them and don’t really like it.

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The use of signs, symbols and pictures

These ways of communicating are usually used in a conversation where one of the people has some sort of disability. Conversations which use this type of communication are just as good as speaking because the message intended to be understood still gets across just as clearly.

Objects of reference

We saw objects of reference at Sir Tom Finney High School, a school for children with physical/mental disabilities. A picture, word and object. Examples of objects of reference are at home time children will be shown the words ...

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This is a good essay that covers lots of details about communication. It looks at factors that affect communication and barriers that could arise. It could be extended by trying to explain the effect of factors in a little more detail. Trying to explain what the effects are would show greater understanding. ****