Describe how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promote the safety of individuals in a health or social care setting.

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STEPHANY ELO – OWAH `(M1) describe how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promote of individuals in a health or social care setting. LEGISLATIONSUMMARYHOW IT IS INFLUENCED IN THE HEALTH&SOCIAL CARE SETTINGSHealth &safety at work Act (1974)In this sector this act ensures the safety and welfare of all employees in any work activity by protecting other against risk to health and also the safety of any one who is affected by work activities e.g. pupils, students, visitors to educational sites and parents.Although the act emphasizes the responsibility of the employer on health and safety .care workers must also have an awareness and understanding of their health and safety responsibilities in relation to relevant legislation such as “Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, 1999 “, “(COSHH 1998)”Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences” Manual Handling Regulations, 1992. This law ensures the responsibility of the employers to ensure the safety at work rule.The employers must always be aware of their employees at work, if they do not do this, it could result in a criminal prosecution in cooperate manslaughter at crowns courts it could also lead to the employer being sued for personal injury.The employer is responsible to take reasonable steps to ensure health and safety to their employees so they are not put to risk by others and to also provide safe machinery and safe premises basically a safe system of work and making sure the staffs are trained and supervised to their fullest.All staffs should be handed a written code of conduct talking about the training, supervision, rules and safety procedures and also providing a safe environment for visitors to visit. all work place must control the risk of fire and conduct the fire drills as well as the risk assessment in case of any potential fire the employees should have provided full training and information to the staffs because it helps the staff and patients act quick
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enough if there was to be any fire.Food safety act(1990) general food hygiene(1995)This act involves the altering of food product.  it provides a framework for the enforcement of testing food product at source, it is an offence to give away any food stuff that has had a substance added to it when being prepared, in addition it is an offence to sell advertised food and not complying with the requirements of the act, the act aims to protect the consumers by preventing illnesses from the food or being misled to the nature of the food they are purchasing.The employer must ...

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This essay aimed to discuss the law, policies and procedures that promote health & safety in care settings. The writer appears to have good basic knowledge of relevant law & policy but it is hard to be sure because of the ideas not being expressed very well. The writing style was in need of improvement because of frequent lack of punctuation, and grammatical errors. There were a few comments (page 2) which needed clarifying ? a few more examples to illustrate points were needed. I would have liked to have seen examples from other settings such as a hospital or nursery which would evidence the ability to think more widely. 2/5