Development Through the Lifestages Physical, Intellectual, Emotion and Social Development of Pregnancy and 0-3 years old Baby

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Yagmur Aslan

Group A

Tracy Podbransky

Development Through the Lifestages

Physical, Intellectual, Emotion and Social Development of Pregnancy and 0-3 years old Baby


It begins when a  fertilized egg cell begins to divide and multiply, it works it's way down into the uterus, eventually attaching to the lining of the uterine wall. The fertilized egg continues to divide and multiply over the next 6-8 weeks allowing the egg to eventually develop into an embryo. Then embryo will continue to develop over the next 4 months forming the lungs, brain, spinal cord, etc. at which point, it is now referred to as a fetus.

First Trimester

  • At just five weeks, your pregnancy will be visible on ultrasound.

  • By six weeks, the regular flicker of a heartbeat is first visible on ultrasound.

  • At nine weeks, your baby's head is large in relation to the trunk, and the arms and legs are short and flipper-like.

  • By the end of the first trimester, your baby's body proportions have changed to become similar to those of a new-born.

Second Trimester

  • At 15 weeks, your baby can make facial expressions and may even suck her/his thumb.
  • By 17 weeks, an ultrasound should be able to show you the sex of your baby.
  • By 19 weeks, your baby will be able to hear your voice if you read her a story or sing a song.

  • Your baby will measure a little over a foot in length and will weigh more than one pound by end of the second trimester.
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Third Trimester

  • During the first six weeks of the third trimester, your babies will more than double in size, growing from approximately 1.5 to 3.5 pounds.
  • Your baby's sense of hearing is improving and he can hear your voice and your partner's as you converse. You can feel, and see on ultrasound, his startled reaction in response to a sudden loud noise.
  • Your baby gains between a third and a half a pound a week through most of the third trimester (you will probably gain close to a pound a week).
  • At 37 weeks, your baby is considered to ...

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Try to explain some of the reasons behind babies' change in behaviour at certain points in their life. What causes them to be able to recognise their carers? The writing style was in need of improvement because of the frequency of grammatical errors which would not be acceptable for work at this level. The errors could be minimised by careful proof-reading. 2/5