Discuss the care needs of people at different stages of life.

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Hanan Jama


Physically intellectually needs  

Jack is 6 month old baby and as we know infancy they can not control their body movement. Infancy need is completely dependents on their parent example washing, feeding and dressing. Infants care needs is that they dependent on parents or carers to provide contact with them and stimulation will lay the foundation for the development of the child self-image.

Emotionally and socially needs

The infant’s needs are to make a safe and stable relationship with their parent or carers during the first year in their life. Also they need to feel that they loved, wanted, make them feel secure and care about them. Although when infancy feels that is wanted or loved from their parent or carer they will be able to develop self-esteem.


Physically and intellectually needs

The children in childhood stage they grow fast and their skill increases example running, climbing, riding bikes and reading. In this age children they don’t completely dependents their parent in things that they use example feeding, dressing and washing. Also they become more independent then they use to be before and that will help them to gain new skills. Also they we learn how to solve their problem by their own and they will be better understanding.  They will make their own decision most of the time, also they will be better thinking then before and speaks openly with their family.

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Emotionally and socially needs

In childhood stage they still dependents on their parent to provide for them a stable, loving home for them and food. Adult need to make sure that they create physical and emotional safe environment. Although during primary school children should feel they belonging and they are safe, because that will develop their self-esteem and in this age they don’t need low self-esteem and that because it may harm them and that will reflect on their self and they will feel depress.

However if the child found the needs that he needed in his family or ...

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