Ensuring Safe Environments in Health and Social Care P1

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UNIT 4: Ensuring Safe Environments in Health and Social Care



1. Teachers socialising while children play outside, not being fully watched, could cause sudden incidents occurring, with no awareness.

2. Children left unattended are at risk of hurting themselves, for example falling over a chair or using objects they are not entitled to.


3. Unlocked safety gates/doors can encourage the children to step out of the nursery premises and that will lead to further danger.


Teachers socialising while children play outside, not being fully watched, could cause sudden incidents occurring, with no awareness. This could raise risks to the children; also put the teachers in danger as they are not doing their job correctly.

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Children left unattended are at risk of hurting themselves, for example falling over a chair or using objects they are not entitled to.  The children in the nursery will pick up a object e.g. a knife or scissor from the kitchen, or putting glue in their mouth because they are not watched to be told that’s wrong, so they have that advantage, allegedly causing harm to themselves and others around.

Unlocked safety gates/doors can encourage the children to step out of the nursery premises and that will lead to further danger.  Having doors fully unlocked that lead to the public ...

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This essay aimed to discuss health & safety hazards in H&SC settings. It would have been helpful if the writer had stated clearly what the P1 criterion required. Nevertheless, I am aware that P1 requires an identification of potential hazards in H&SC settings. I would suggest this has been achieved in this piece of work. The structure of the work could be improved though ? state clearly which settings are being discussed. I would have liked to have seen examples from other settings such as a hospital which would evidence the ability to think more widely. The writing style was in need of improvement due to the frequency of grammatical errors. 3/5