Factors influencing self-concept. Within Marions case study, I have found that education factor influenced Marions self-concept. I think this because Marions is lacking confidence

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Emma Baker        Unit 8 M2

Factor of self-concept.


  •  Your self-concept is strongly influenced by school.
  • You mix with other people and compare yourself to them
  • Success or failure at school has an effect on self esteem
  • Learn ideas that help you to understand your life and that of others
  • Friendships boost self esteem as it shows people want to be your friend
  • The expectations of teachers influence your success or failure - Students expected to do well often perform better than those not. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy.


  • The important thing is we feel positive about the way we look. We can easily develop a negative self-image and this can lead to a lack of confidence or to feel depressed about our relationships with other people.
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Self-concept changes, as we get older we start to look at ourselves different from before.

YOUNG CHILDREN: Younger children only know about a little description of themselves, like Gender, size, Hair colour etc.

OLDER CHILDREN: Older children can provide much more detailed descriptions; hair and eye colour, address, shoe size etc.

ADOLESCENTS: Self-concept can be explained in terms of beliefs, likes, and dislikes.

ADULTS: Adults can explain themselves in terms of how there life is going and if it is going tough and their personality.

ELDERLY: Older adults may have developed even more self-knowledge and developed ‘wisdom’, which younger people should listen upon.


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