Identify the factors that contribute to a diverse society

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Betelhem Deressa



Diversity and Equality

Identify the factors that contribute to a diverse society


Culture is the way of life in a particular society or group of people including their belief, behaviour, dress, and language. Culture also when you born or growth up the place you learn the way of living.

Culture sometimes a person learns from his family or surrounding when he growth up. A child born in UK and growth in Africa he should learn African culture, such as the food he eat, the music he listen and the dress what he wear.

Every society has a different culture where people share a specific language, traditions, behaviour and belief. Everyone have to respect others culture.

 For example Indian people have their own culture the way they dressed and the food they cook also music and dance.


Ethnicity is the group of people identity with or feels they belong to. Ethnic is the measure of culture, language, dress, nationality or citizenship. Ethnic group in the United Kingdom include English, Indian, Pakistan, Irish, Scottish and African. Ethnic should be understands from the biological aspect and cultural aspect.

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 Different ethnics may different dress differently, speak differently and eat different food. For example white people look at black people the way not treat them fairly that could happen discrimination.


Race is refers to people based on their biological characteristics such as colour of skin, colour of hair, eye colour and facial feature.


Religion is identifying the way of life. There are different types of religion in the world, such as Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhism and catholic. They are their own celebrating like Christian can celebrate Easter and Jewish people celebrate Passover.


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This is an informative piece of work. It includes information regarding the diverse society we live in today and provides some examples that are within context and relevant. A weakness is that the English is not very good throughout the assignment which makes it difficult to understand in some respects and there is no conclusion to the report to suggest that the aims have been achieved. Overall it is an average piece of work ***