Looking for Alibandi - review.

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Doorways represent openings and closings in your life. Just as there are external doorways in your house, there are your own internal doorways in your heart. These doorways can lead you into new dimensions of yourself. They are thresholds to your soul through which you can explore wondrous worlds, but you must first be willing to experience the doorways. What's happening with the doors inside of you? Are you experiencing a revolving door where you are caught between the past and the future? Or are you choosing to close a door behind you and preparing to open a new door in front of you? Stand before the doorway. Experience it. When you are ready, open it and cross over a new threshold.

Integrating the art of noticing everyday experiences enables us to have a constant change of perspective. All moments of our individual experiences may be perceived as moments of growth and initiation.

Our development as individuals is not something that is calculated in simple terms of physical growth or progression in years. Personal growth is measured by our developing maturity. Unlike physical growth, personal development cannot be expected simply to happen. It is something that happens as a reaction to significant events in our lives, causing change in perspective. Such as personal challenge in their life that leads to increased self-awareness and development.

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It’s rites of passage, Italian style…

In this Australian import Marchetta gets the voice of teenage anguish perfect in a hormone saturated rite of passage story. Josephine Alibrandi, 17 and  of Australian Ancestry, is split between her traditional upbringing, embodied by her immigrant grandmother and her domineering mother, and the everyday quirks of being of teenage ...

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