Planning appropriate responses where child abuse is suspected or confirmed,

Authors Avatar by eloowah (student)

Health and social care


Unit 10 P4, P5, M1&D1


4 years old

After providing an activity on assertiveness and instructing the children to say no Tracy discloses to you that an uncle who has been babysitting has been going to her bedroom on several accusations and has been fondling + touching her. She has told you not to tell anyone because she promised her uncle she would not tell anyone, if you tell he won’t buy me nice toys any more.

The thing that concerns me about Tracy is that her uncle comes to her room and keeps touching her and telling her if she doesn’t tell anyone he will buy her toys. The way I would respond to this is I would listen to everything the child has got to say, because I have to look after them and their problem. While communicating with her, it should be done at their own pace and without pressure with that there will feel free to talk. You should have an unconditional acceptance among the children no matter what has happened as a teacher you have to look after all the children.  I would ask the child one question what happened or where did he touch you and when the child starts talking make notes in my head.

When the child finish don’t ask any more question because it will make her relive the case again and + she going to have to tell the story again to the police or social workers. That’s why it’s very important to change the convocation so that the child doesn’t have to think about it again. Make her feel happen by ensuring her and comforting that she did the right thing for example give her a sweet.  

        I would also make Tracy know that telling me it’s alright am here to help her and she haven’t done anything wrong, I would also make her understand what the uncle is doing is not good and he needs to stop doing it and because she has told me not to tell anybody else, but you have to be honest with them this is because you want to help them. I would also tell her that her mummy is going to buy her sweets and her daddy is going to buy her more toys then her uncle is giving her.  

The questions I would ask is what happened and where did he touch you. When you ask them question because it’s an open question she will say something and you can find out what you want to know as well it is very important that you don’t ask anymore question after you have found out what you need, let her do an other activity. you would not ask the parents any question because I don’t want the parents to know any thing because this might give it away about what is happening and the father might find out what the uncle is doing and kills the uncle then there is an other case so that why am not going to tell the parents anything.

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If the information that the child has given me I would first tell my manger (head teacher) about what the child has just told. I would also tell other members of staff too keep an eye out for her but not tell them what is happening keep it confidence so that the other member of staff don’t talk about her.  The reason for the manger to contact the social workers because according to the convention on the right of the child 1989 which states that every child has the rights for a safe environment and in this case the child was ...

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