Principles of effective communication and potential barriers

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Principles of effective communication

Communication is the way someone can share their information. It is a vital part of life because communication is the only way we can express ourselves and pass on our discoveries and the information that we have onto someone else. Communication needs a sender and a receiver of the information. Communication also needs feedback, all these parts are essential if you want to give effective communication. For effective communication to happen, the message has to be clear. When communicating there should be no uncertainty in the message or else you will be giving unaffected communication because it will seem you do not know what you are talking about and the receiver will doubt you. You also have to make sure that the message is told in a way so the person you are talking to will understand it easily. If you want to send out effective communication, you also have to ask yourself why you are telling this message, and what do you want the receiver to take away. If you do not know what the objective of the message is, there will be no hopes of the communication process being a success. That is why it should always be clear what the objectives of communication are. You also need to get feedback from the audience so you know if the message has been passed on successfully. Feedback can also help you to improve your communication skills if you need to. To effectively communicate with someone, you have to be interested in what the other person is saying, ask thoughtful questions that show you are listening to what the other person is saying.  Whenever you are talking with someone, smile and be open instead of serious and demanding. You should also try to make the other person feel important. You should talk about the interests of the other person’s. To conclude, the main principles of effective communication are to listen to the other persons input, and not just your own, always show that you are interested in the other persons interests and make sure what you are saying has a meaning, and is clear to the other person.

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Barriers of effective communication

Different languages and cultures make a national barrier, and so it is difficult for organisations and businesses to do business overseas if they do not have people working for them who speak both their language, and the language of the country the business is trying to do business with.

If someone was giving us information and was happy and more welcoming, we would be more likely to want to listen to what they are saying, and therefore more likely to take in the information ...

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This is a good essay that outlines effective communication well. It is a little weaker in discussion of the barriers to communication and there is more that could be discussed in this section. ***