Safe Guarding, Anti Social Behaviour and Domestic Abuse assingments

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Safeguarding vulnerable groups act 2006

The safeguarding vulnerable group’s act 2006 was passed to ensure that service users in a health and social care setting are protected from individuals that are believed to be unsuitable to work with vulnerable adults and children. This is because these individuals may have abused people in the past or the future by physically, emotionally and sexually. This act restricts the contact between the perpetrators and vulnerable people, by putting these individuals on the barring system which identified people who go to apply for a job in the health and social care environment are not allowed to work in this type of environment.

Sexual Offences Act 2003

The sexual offence act 2003 makes the sexual abuse a crime, the first part of the act covers sexual offences. The second part of the covers the intention to commit an sexual offence, this includes offences to voyeurism and administering substances with the intent to sexually assault that individual. This act covers rape this is when individuals do not give consent to this act. Child sex abuse under the age of 13 years are seen as sexual assault by causing a child to engage in sexual activities.

Care standards act

The care standards act which was established by the national care standards commission to regulate health and social care services. This is in place for all individuals who receive care are to a highest standards and that all care professionals adhere to the rules and regulations set. The care standards act was set up to establish a new system of inspection to minimise standards all residents and nursing homes function to improve social care.

Mental capacity act 2005: Deprivation of liberty safeguarding.

This is a law that protects and supports people who do not have the ability to make executive decisions for themselves because they have a mental illness or have learning disability. This act allows care professional’s to take away someone’s freedom if they are for example suicidal, they may be sectioned in a mental health unit to protect them for their own safety. They may take extra precautions to prevent an individual hurting themselves by locking the windows in their rooms and having a key code on the doors to get out so that people cannot walk out. They may also take away and individual’s belongings that may help contribute to their death such as shoe laces, belts and necklaces.

Human’s rights act

The human rights act is the main law that protector’s everyone’s human rights in the UK this act has up to 16 rights that are safeguarded by this act. This act also expands our awareness of the basic values and the standards we share. This act states that we have the right to life, the right not to be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading way. Also to the right to freedom or assembly and association. (BIHR24/10/15)

Data protection act 1998

The date protection act of 1998 protects our personal information that are used by organisations such as doctors and hospitals, businesses and the government. There are strict rules that people have to adhere to which is called the data protection principles. Every individual must make sure the information is used in a fairly and lawfully, they should ensure that that all information is kept secure either locked away in a filing cabinet or on a password protected pc. All records need to be consisted and factual this means not what you think is happening but what is actually happened, so you can not put I think or my opinion. If you believe that someone is in harm for what they have told you, will have to brake confidentiality and share information with other care professionals if someone is in harm this can be talking to multi-agency meetings .

Equality act 2010

The equality act 2010 protects people from discrimination in a work place and wider society. This act covers what used to be individual acts such as sex discrimination act 1995, the race relations act 1976 and the disability discrimination act 1995. This act covers 9 protectives age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity. This makes it easier to understand and help protect individuals from being discriminated against in health and social care. (gov, 24/10/15)

Anti-social behaviour, crime and policing act 2014

This act has been introduces as a more effective and powerful to tackle anti-social behaviours. This act tackles irresponsible dog owners and individuals that own an illegal firearms by gangs and organised criminal group. This Act also strengthens the protection of victims of forced marriage and those at risk of sexual abuse. People who try to force individuals to marry against their will can be sentenced to up to seven years in prison. (Gov 24/10/15)

Care Act 2014

This act has replaced the most current laws in the care adult in health and social care. The first part of the care act 2014 makes this act stronger and modernises the framework of care. This act provides a fairer and clearer care and support for all individuals care needs and ensures that each individual’s wellbeing is cared for this can be a physical, mental and emotional.

DBS and safe recruitment

The DBS service which also stands for the Disclosure and Barring Service was once two organisations before they come together to make the DBS service. The two organisations are called the CRB also known as the Criminal Records Burro and the second is the ISA , Independent Safeguarding Authority these have come together to combine a seamless service to combine criminal and berried functions. This enhance check cost £44 and most employers will provide this for individuals, this enhanced check is to identify if people have any criminal convictions that may put vulnerable adults at risk also this checks of individuals have been put on the barring list this is when people who are unfit to work with individuals this may be because they have abused others in their past and have been put on this to ensure no one employs them in the health and social care sector. The potential staff members that are going for a job interview in the health and social care sector will need to have proof of the qualifications they may have, these can be both maths and English and the level one, two and three health and social care certificates to show evidence that they have the correct qualifications to do this particular job role. They may also ask for reference from previous work places or colleges this is to assess your punctuality, time keeping skills and to see if they are suitable for this job role. They will ask for references so that they employ can make a good decision on who they want to work for them and also to ensure that they are reliable to provide a good standard of care and always turn up on time. Identification may be asked to be shown this is so that the employer knows that the individual is who they say they are and not pretending to be someone that they are not as this can put residents in danger of abuse. May employers use social media to see what potential employees have on their pages such as they may look on the Facebook page of an individual finding that they use inappropriate language and have been making threats to others .The employer may decide not to give you the job because of what is on that social media page as if this is how they act online, they may be capable of doing this in the workplace putting residents in danger of abuse. These actions in the recruitment process will ensure that the employers employ individuals that are safe to work with vulnerable adults creating a safe recruitment process.

Sector guidance

The NHS constitution is set to help improve society’s health and wellbeing by supporting individuals keep mentally and physically well. In the UK the constitution provides a free health care service helps individuals get better when they are ill the NHS helps use get better by giving individuals medication that will help with the recovery. The NHS is founded on a common set of principles that they help guide the NHS the key principles are that they have to provide a service that is available to all people of different gender or gender reassignment disability, age, sexual orientation and beliefs. This act has a duty to all service users that it respects everyone’s human rights and ensure that they give a high standard of care and that this service is free and that this meets everyone’s individual needs. The NHS should ensure that patients are helped to promote their own management of their health but they need to tolerate around the needs and preferences of the patients and their need. (GOV, 25/10/15) It is the NHS responsibility to have accurate information about patients and the course of treatments that they have been given. Also individuals have the right to have a positive and negative feedback about the treatment that they are receive and keep to your appointments.
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The no secrets guidance builds on the government’s respect of human’s respect of the human rights act of 1998 creates a framework which all responsibility agencies works together to ensure that they protect vulnerable adults who may be at risk of abuse. This provides health and social care services to work together in a partnership which is also known as the health act 1999 to ensure that policies and procedures are in place. Employers should provide training to both staff and volunteers of awareness that abuse could possibly take place in the care setting. Also training on what ...

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