the advantages and disadvantages living in 21st century

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the 21st Century


        The 21st century is a time of great progress in social welfare, health care and technology. Living in the 21st century brings many changes in our lives, in the way we work, in our daily activity, and do  business  And it is offers certain advantages, such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages, such as a polluted environment.

         The first advantage is nowadays many people have more money and less work hard. They get higher salary than before and get better social welfare and insurance.

         Second, the advance in medical technology brings the better medical care and treatment, people’s life expectancy is longer. Moreover, most people can buy foods with consist of high nutrition and they can go on vacation in their leisure time. The Third are the modern conveniences such as TV, internet, media transportation and labor-saving machines in the home.

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          However living in the 21st century also has disadvantages. For example is the increasing of polluted environment; air is polluted with vehicle smoke and water is contaminated by waste from factories and houses. The better medical care and treatment caused the people’s life expectancy is longer or in other words they can live longer and reproduction it’s meant that over population.  The other disadvantage is the weakening of moral and spiritual values.

      In conclusion, although the 21st century has given us a lot of advantages, it does not make us wiser, because it also made the earth dirtier with pollutant and ...

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This is very brief and shows little understanding of the wider issues with regards to living in the 21st century. There are no comparisons made to other eras and this section does provide opportunity for that to be discussed.